Accepting treatment
Kelsey talks about when she knew she needed medicine for her schizophrenia.
Schizophrenia is no one’s fault. Schizophrenia affects 1.1% of the US population. While the exact cause is not known, experts think that a combination of family history (genetics), environmental factors, and certain chemical imbalances in the brain may be risk factors for developing schizophrenia.
The types of symptoms someone has and how severe they are change over time.
This is when you see or hear things that aren’t there. You may see people or hear voices talking to you even when you’re alone.
When you hold on to false beliefs even with proof that those beliefs are not true or logical.
If you are finding it hard to organize thoughts, it can make it hard to talk clearly or tell people what you are thinking in a way they can understand.
You may not want to take part in everyday activities like work, school, or social events.
Kelsey talks about when she knew she needed medicine for her schizophrenia.
Julian Treated with ARISTADA
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A personal goal is something that can give you a sense of satisfaction and success.
Choose a daily task that you want to reach that’s based on you, your abilities, and your needs.
Once you have decided on your treatment goal and talked about it with your healthcare team, write it down and make a commitment to do what you can to reach it. Keeping a daily journal can help you monitor your thoughts and feelings, as well as set and keep track of personal goals.
Your healthcare team is here to help you. Talk openly with them about how you are doing reaching your treatment goal.
Kelsey and Julian talk about the ways they take care of themselves and how happy they are to have others to help take care of them too.
It can be a challenge to meet new people. Kelsey and Julian talk about the importance of putting yourself out there and meeting others.
Carolyne Treated with
Work with your healthcare provider and treatment team to find resources to help you learn more about a balanced diet.
A simple activity like taking a walk can be a positive change. Talk to your healthcare provider and your healthcare provider first before you begin any activity.
Managing stress is an important part of your treatment plan. You can listen to or play music, practice yoga or meditation, get more sleep, or create art.
If you think you have a problem with drugs and/or alcohol, talk to your healthcare provider and your treatment team about getting help. And if you smoke, your healthcare provider may need to help you when you’re ready to quit.
Here is a coloring book and journal. Use this resource to color in the pictures or draw some of your very own, which can help you to relax and de-stress. You can also write down and keep track of your treatment goals, keep a daily journal to write out how you're feeling, and write down any questions for your healthcare provider.
If you’re caring for a loved one with schizophrenia, you may have some questions